Your Vote Counts
Mail-in voting is convenient and available to
all New Jersey
You don't need an excuse!
You just need to be registered to vote and request a MAIL-IN ballot . You'll receive your ballot in the mail. Place your vote-by-mail ballot in one of your county’s secure by
8:00 p.m. on Election Day. OR deliver your vote-by-mail ballot in person to your county’s Board of Elections Office by
8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Voting Information:
Note: if you have applied for and received a mail-in ballot, you must vote by mail and NOT at the polls. Mail-in ballots can be returned by mail to the County Clerk/Board of Elections on Main Street in Flemington, or dropped into one of the twelve Ballot Boxes.
Hunterdon County Early Voting Centers and Ballot Box Locations
Three early voting centers and twelve Vote-By-Mail drop boxes are located throughout Hunterdon County.
Delaware Township Polling Place
SERGEANTSVILLE FIREHOUSE, 761 Sergeantsville Road, Stockton, NJ 08559
Delaware Township Voting Districts Map
Download the Delaware Township Voting District map.
2024 Election Calendar
May 14
Voter Registration Deadline for Primary
May 28
Deadline to apply for a Mail-In Ballot by Mail for Primary Election
May 29 – June 2
Early Voting Period
May 31
Deadline for Application to Receive Primary Election Mail-In Ballots by Electronic Means
for Qualified Overseas Civilian and Military Voters
June 3 – by 3:00 p.m.
Deadline for In-Person Mail-In Ballot Applications for Primary Election
Primary Election
• General Election Candidate Petition Filing Deadline for Member of The United States
Senate & The United States House of Representatives
• Deadline for Post Office Receipt of Mail-In Ballots from the Primary Election
• Deadline for In-Person Submission of Primary Election Mail-In Ballots to County Boards
of Election and to Authorized Ballot Drop Boxes
June 10
Deadline for Receipt of Timely Mailed Postmarked Mail-In Ballots to County Boards of Election
July 29
Petition filing deadline 4 p.m. for School Board Election ​
September 21
Vote by mail ballots mailed starting
October 15
Voter Registration Deadline for General Election
October 26 - November 3
Early voting
November 5 General Election
• Deadline for Post Office Receipt of Mail-In Ballots from the General Election
• Deadline for In-Person Submission of General Election Mail-In Ballots to County
Boards of Election